Labia minora and majora may have different shapes and appearance
in women, which is usually present secondary to genetics or due to
other factors such as hormonal, environmental, time (age) or a
childbirth. Abnormally shaped, asymmetrical, or larger labia may lead
to the following conditions in women: dissatisfaction because of an
inability to wear certain types (tight) clothing, frequent urinary tract i
infections, recurrent vaginal or vulvar infections or simply not
cosmetically pleasing appearance.
Labia Minora: very often the structures (labia minora) can be too large or asymmetric resulting in recurrent urinary tract or vaginal infections, discomfort, or unacceptable appearance for the patient. Many of our patients experience chronic infections due to an enlarged labia; therefore they may gain relief from this procedure.
Cosmetic enhancement is generally for the overall appearance of the labia by reducing the size of the labia or by restoring any asymmetry.
Labiaplasty Procedure
Surgical correction of labia minora abnormalities is an established procedure for women who are not satisfied with the appearance of their external genitalia or have certain medical conditions.
Labiaplasty procedure reshapes and contours the appearance of the labia minora or labia majora. The corrective procedure can be performed to enhance the more aesthetically pleasing appearance of the labia or to eliminate many medical conditions. Many young women request labia minora, whereas women in perimenopausal and menopausal age, both labia minora and labia majora procedures. There are several techniques available to correct labia minora which are chosen carefully by Dr. Wolny according to the patient's desire. Both the wedge technique ( Dr. Alter ) as well as the linear technique is utilized by Dr. Wolny.
Labiaplasty with Hoodoplasty
The surgical procedure is usually performed to expose covered clitoral area by a prepuce
(a skin fold covering the clitoris). The skin fold is also called the clitoral hood or clitoral foreskin; therefore clitoral hodectomy.
The reductive hoodoplasty is a surgery that is performed to decrease the excessive skin of the clitoral prepucial tissue or to reduce the uneven thickness of the clitoral hood. A careful technique is used to preserve the neurological function of the structure. The procedure is usually performed in conjunction with the labiaplasty procedure and is discusssed in details prior to a labiaplasty.
Labia Majora Anatomy
Labia majora also called the large lip, may undergo anatomical changes throughout the years because of aging, loss in tissue laxity, loss of fatty tissue, and vaginal deliveries. As a result, the structure may have an asymmetrical, wrinkled, and not aesthetically pleasing appearance.
Labia majora procedures are mainly performed for women who lose the elasticity and shape of the structure with aging or weight changes.
Labia Majora Restoration
Labia majora restoration entails a surgical intervention to restore the shape of the structure. The procedure can be performed in many ways depending on the anatomical appearance and amount of excessive skin and fat tissue. Two incisions are performed to remove lax, excessive tissue followed by an adequate closure with self-dissolvable sutures. The end result is to have youthful labia without excessive and stretched skin overlying this structure.
Labia Majora Reshaping
Labia majora reshaping can be performed by using both surgical and non-surgical techniques. In women where the amount of fat tissue is significantly decreased one can consider autologous fat transfer. The procedure involves the transfer of your own fat from one area to another using an established technique. Occasionally, an excessive amount of fat tissue is removed, especially in the area of mons pubis.
What to expect during the process of evaluation and treatment:
1. Extensive preoperative consultation and assessment of patient’s desires and expectations
2. Determination of the most appropriate and feasible labiaplsty technique tailored to patient desires and needs
3. Counseling regarding possible outcomes regardless of the technique applied
4. Postoperative instructions with emphasis on pain management, swelling, and recovery time
5. Longterm recovery time, return to work, and regular physical activities
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